


会話もメールも 英語は3語で伝わります

会話もメールも 英語は3語で伝わります

CHAPTER 5 <実践!「3語で伝えるために」ために、ここはバッサリ捨てましょう!> メモ


It is easy for me to take this job.
I can easily take this job.

It is impossible for me to take this job.
I cannot take this job.

It is clear that I can take this job.
Clearly, I can take this job.

I found it difficult to complete the job today.
I cannot complete the job today.

His quick action made it possible to get the job.
His quick action allowed him to get the job./
His quick action enabled him to get the job.

He got the job after his quick action./
He acted quickly and got the job.