


清水健二・すずきひろし 「英単語の語源図鑑」メモ




 <Chapter 1>

 1-3 mon=示す、警告する

単語 接頭辞 語幹 接尾辞
admonish ad  mon ish
~の方へ 示す、警告 動詞に
[関連語句]→ admonition 「名」警告、忠告
  She admonished her son for eating too quickly.
  His admonition was of no use to her.
monitor monit or  
The nurse monitored the patient's pulse.
demonstrate de monst ate
完全に 示す、警告する 動詞に
demonstration 「名」デモ、実演販売
They demonstrated for a pay raise.
summon sum(sub) mon  
下に 警告する  
summons 「名」出頭命令書、召喚状、召集
He summoned the waitress for the bill.
Passengers were mustered to the life boat.


 <Chapter 1>

 1-4 just, jur=正しい、法

単語 接頭辞 語幹 接尾辞
adjust ad just  
~の方へ 正しい  
[関連語句]→ adjustabel 「形」調整できる
  adjustment 「名」調整、調節、順応
  Adjust the heat so that the soup doesn't boil.
  The height of the bicycle seat is adjustable.
jury jur y  
正しい 集団  
juror 「名」陪審員
The jury found her not guilty.
justice just ice  
正しい 名詞に  
injustice 「名」不公平、不正
There is no justice in his claim.
justify just ify  
正しい 動詞に  
justification 「名」正当化
The end justifies the means.
prejudice pre jud ice
前に 判断する 名詞に
He is prejudiced against foreigners.