


会話もメールも 英語は3語で伝わります

会話もメールも 英語は3語で伝わります

CHAPTER 5 <実践!「3語で伝えるために」ために、ここはバッサリ捨てましょう!> メモ


She sent me several photos. (SVOC)
She sen several photos to me. (SVO)

She showed me the way to the station. (SVOO)
She took me to the station. (SVO)
She guided me to the station. (SVO)


I found her smile attractive.
I like her smile.
Her smile attracts me.

This approach will make the cost lower
This approach will lower the cost.

I go. (行きます)

I go now. 副詞による修飾
I go to university. 前置詞による修飾

He is nice.

This idea sounds good.

She gives me a nice smile.
She gives a nice smile (to me). (SVO)
She smiles nicely (to me). (SV)

Unfortunately, we found it diffcult to complete the project. (SVOC)
Unfortunately, we cannot complete the project. (SVO)
Unfortunately, the project will be incomplete. (SVC)<<