


清水健二・すずきひろし 「英単語の語源図鑑」メモ




<Chapter 1>

1-5 point, punct=指す、点

単語 接頭辞 語幹 接尾辞
appoint a(p) point  
~の方へ 指す  
appointment 「名」(面会の)約束、指名、任命
He was appointed captain of the team.
I have an appointment with Mr.Curie at 3.
point point    
Don't point your finger at me.
diisappoint dis appoint  
~ない 指名する  
disappointment 「名」失望
I was very disappointed at the decision.
punctual punct ual  
指す 形容詞に  
He is always punctual for an appointment.
pungent pung ent  
指す 形容詞に  
She likes the smell of pungent garlic.


 1-6 tend, tens=伸ばす、向ける 

単語 接頭辞 語幹 接尾辞
attend a(t) tend  
~の方へ 伸ばす  
attention 「名」注意、世話
attendant 「名」接客係、付添人 「形」お供の、伴う
Only 10 people attended the meeting.
She paid no attention to me.
tend tend    
tendency 「名」傾向
Prices are tending upward.
extend ex tend  
外に 伸びる  
extension 「名」拡張、延長期間、範囲
extent 「名」範囲、程度、広がり
The peacock is extending its wings.
contend con tend  
共に 伸びる  
contention 「名」争い、口論、論点
They contended with each other in the contest.
pretend pre tend  
前に 伸ばす  
pretence 「名」見せかけ
She pretended to be a high school student.


 1-7 cure, care=世話、注意 

単語 接頭辞 語幹 接尾辞
accurate a(c ) cur ate
~の方へ 注意、世話 形容詞に
accuracy 「名」正確さ、精度
His biological clock is pretty accurate.
His calculating accuracy surprised everyone.
cure cure    
「動」治療する、取り除く 「名」治療(法)、解決策
There's no care for a broken heart.
curious cur ious  
注意 形容詞に  
curiosity  「名」好奇心、骨董品(curio
She is curious to know what's in the box.
secure se cure  
~がない 注意  
「形」安全な、不安のない、確実な 「動」確保する
security(securities) 「名」安全、警備、有価証券
Keep your money in a secure place.
scour s(=ex) cour  
外に 世話  
She is scouring out the pans.