


Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ 

 Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ


第4章 品格のある英語で好感度を上げるコツ


1. I realize that this is a sensitive topic, ...
2. I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, ...
3. I realize that some people have strong feelings about this, ...
4. This is hard for me to bring up, ...
5. This is hard for me to talk about, ...
6. I don't want to be a bull in a china shop, ...


1. ...but I do think that it's important to discuss this.
2. ...but it is something we need to talk about.
3. ...but it is something that needs to be addressed.
4. ...but we do need to get this on the table.
5. ...but I think this is something that should not be ignored.


1. Let's not beat around the bush.
2. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
3. Let's cut to the chase.
4. The bottom line is ...
5. Getting straight to the heart of the matter ...
6. The key issue here is ...
7. I think we should focus on ...


1. Let me put it another way.
2. In other words, ...
3. Another way to say that would be ...
4. What I means is ...
5. To clariy that, ...
6. What I really want to say here is ...
7. What I mean by that is ...
8. What I meant by that is ...


1. I didn't give it to you.
2. I didn't say that.
3. You didn't hear it from me.


1. Let's act as if we didn't see each other today.
2. Let's pretend I didn't hear anything.


1. It's not urgent.
2. It's not a rush.
3. It's no rush.
4. Let's put it on the back burner for now.
5. Let's set this aside for the time being.
6. It can wait.


1. Let's prioritize this.
2. Let's make sure this goes done first.
3. Let's make this priority Number One.
4. This should be our top priority.
5. Let's put this at the top of our agenda [to-do list].

・hidden agenda(隠された思惑)という表現もある。
・これは ulterior motive(下心)と同じ意味。

1. Your are digressing. [直接的な表現]
2. That's a bit off the topic.
3. That's getting into a different subject.
4. We seem to have gotten away from the main point.
5. I'm afraid that you've gone off on a tangent.


× I hope to see you again.

○ I hope we cross paths again soon.
 ※ cross paths:「自然に(意図的にではなく)出くわす」

1. Let's keep in touch.
2. Let's stay in touch.
3. Don't be a stranger. [カジュアルな表現]
4. Long time no see.
5. It's been a long time (since we last spoke).

1. I'm sorry to have been out of touch for so long.
2. I'm sorry to have been such a poor correspondent.

1. Fnacy meeting you here.
2. Speak of the devil.(うわさをすれば影)[カジュアルな表現]

・give me a heads-pu:事前に教えてくださいという軽いニュアンス
1. Just give me a heads-up on the 9th when you want to drop by.

2.I don't know exaclty when it will be ready to send to you, but I just want to give you a heads-up that I'll have a translation request for you sometime in the next few weeks.

Thanks for the heads-up.

・touch base:連絡する。(短い会話で、相手に意見や情報を聞くこと)
1. I'll touch base with you after my business trip.
2. Please touch base with Susan before you call the customer.

・wrap up:何かを終了する、まとめる。
1. After I wrap up things here at the office I plan to go to the gym.
2. We expect to wrap up work on the Smith project by Tuesday.
3. We're getting close to the scheduled ending time for this meeting, so let's wrap up.

・ How did it go?(どうだった?)と聞かれて「うまくいかなかった」と言いたいとき。

1. Things just didn't work out.
2. It didn't go as well as expected.
3. It didn't meet our expectations.
4. There was some room for improvemnt.
5. We would have liked it to better.
6. It was disappointing.

1. It wasn't a good fit.(その人は[会社に、あるいは私に]合わなかった)

no を使わない否定

1. I see your point.
2. I recognize where you are coming from.
3. I hear you.
4. I understand what you mean.
5. Thank you for your opinion.


・least は否定を表す婉曲的な英語を話すために欠かせない便利な単語。

1. I like this least of all.
2. I don't mind in the least.
3. It's the least apperaling option to me.
4. That's the least of my worries.
5. That's the least of my problems.
6. To say the least...

・That's personal. と言われたら、それ以上追求してはいけない。

I would rather not talk about it.



1. Did I say something strange?
2. Was there a problem with something I said?
3. Perhaps I didn't say that well. What I meant is ...

1. We'll take care of it.
2. We'll deal with it.
3. We'll handle it.

1. We'll decide how to handle it.
2. We'll figure out the best way to deal with the situation.

1. Unfortunately, I don't think that's realistic.
2. Of course I'll do my best, but I'm afraid that even if I stay up all night working on it, there's not enough time to get it done.
3. In order to get it done by tomorrow, I would have to cut a lot of corners. Is that alright with you? Personally I would prefer to have more time so that I can do a better job.

cuto corners:手を抜く、近道をする


1. Let's wrap things up for today and continue this discussion tomorrow.
2. We've covered a lot today. Let's stop here and pick this up tomorrow morning.
3. I think we've reached a good stopping point for today.
4. What do you say we call it quits for today?
5. Let's finish up for today and start fresh tomorrow.
6. I have to take so much of your time since I know that your are busy.
7. I'd better let you go home.
8. Let's call it a day, and pick up where we left off in the morning.


1. I really appreciate you sticking up for me [siding with me] in the meeting.
2. △ I'm grateful for your assistance.
  ◎ I appriciate your help


1. What you did is making a difference.
2. What you did has had a big impact.
3. What you did has been an excellent contribution.
4. What you did is proving to be very useful.
5. What you did has made things easier for me.
6. What you did was very meaningful.


1. Thanks, I'm glad you think so.
2. You flatter me!
3. That's very kind [nice] of you say.
4. It makes me happy to hear you say that.
5. Thanks so much!
6. Thank you. I'm so glad to hear that.
7. I'm so glad to haer your kind words.
8. That's a very nice compliment coming from an expert like you.
9. That's a very nice compliment coming from someone with your good taste.
10. That's a very nice compliment coming from someone like you who has so much experience in this area.
11. Thanks, I'm doing my best.
12. Thanks, I still have a lot to learn.

13. Thanks, I've been working on this.
14. Thanks, it's something I've been working on.
15. Thanks, it's something I am proud of.
16. Thanks, it's something I really enjoy.

1. Congratualtions on your promotion.
2. This is a big accomplishment for you.
3. You should be proud of yourself.
4. It's great to see the fruits of one's labors.

1. Good luck!
2. Do your best!
3. Go for it!
4. I hope everything goes well.
5. Hang in there!
6. I'm counting on you!
7. We're all cheering you on.
8. I'm crossing my fingers for you.
9. Please give it your all.


1. What's up?
2. How's it going?
3. How are you doing?


1. Not much.
2. I've been busy.


1. What have you been up to?


1. I've been working on a big project.
2. My boss has been keeping me busy.


What are you up to?

× What the hell!(なんてこった!) → ○ What the heck!
damun(くそっ) → darn(しまった)
bullshit(でたらめ) → garbage(ごみ)
It sucks.(ひどい) → It stinks.(ひどい)
asshole(ばか者) → jerk(嫌な奴)
shit → rats(しまった)、snap(しまった)
shitty(ひどく劣った) → terrible(ひどく劣った)

1. Let's change the subject.
2. Let's talk about something different.
3. By the way ...
4. That reminds me ...


1. I wouod like to change to another room because the air conditioner is broken.

2. There's a problem in my room. The toilet does not flush properly. I don't want to wait until you fix it, so I would like to chage to another room.

3. I don't care for this room. It's too noisy. I would prefer a room farther away from the ice machine.

・don't care for... は don't like ...よりも間接的で丁寧で好ましい表現。
・like ... better よりも would prefer のほうが洗練された印象になる。

1. Can you squeeze me in today?
2. Can you fit me in today somehow?


1. That's a little more than I was planning to spend.
2. I'm afrai that that's more than my budget.
3. I was hoping to spend less than that.
4. Oh, that's a bit much for me.
5. Ah, that's too bad because the upper limt of what I can spend is $50.


1. Let me think about it.
2. I'd like to go back and discuss this with my spouse.
3. I need a little time to cosnider such a big purchase.

・日本語のクレームの語原 "claim" は「苦情」という意味ではなく、「正当な権利の主張」の意。
・日本語のクレームにあたる英語は "complaint"。

1. It was broken when I took in out of the box.
2. It doesn't work properly.
3. I changed my mind.
4. I decided that I don't need it after all.
5. It wasn't the right size.
6. I found something else I liked better at another store.
7. I had second thoughts.


1. What did you study in college?
2. What was your major in colege?

 × Where did you to to college?
 ○ Did you go to a college near here (in this area)?


 × Where were you born?
 × Where are you from?

 ○ Are you from around here originally?
 ○ Do you speak any languages other than English?


1. I'm curious about your name. What's the origin of it?
2. That's a distinctive name. How did your parents choose it?

(1) 感謝する
(2) 切り上げる理由(口実)を言う
(3) 今後も関係を続けたいとの意を伝える

(1) 感謝する
1. It was really great talking with you.
2. I'm so glad I got the chance to meet you.
3. I've really enjoyed our conversation.
4. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me.
5. It was very interesting hearing about your company [you job experiences, your opinions about ...].
6. I learned a lot from talking with you.
7. XX Company is lucky to have such a good person on their team.

(2) 切り上げる理由(口実)を言う
1. I'm going to go get something to drink.
2. I'm going to mingle a little bit more.
3. I don't want to monopolize your time.
4. I'm sure that you want to talk to some of the other people here.
5. There are some other people here I'd like to catch up with also.
6. I should probably keep circulating.

(3) 今後も関係を続けたいとの意を伝える
1. Let's keep in touch.
2. Let me know if you ever need any information about...
3. Here's my card. Let's keep in touch.

1. I'm interested to hear more about what you mentioned a few minutes ago. Shall we get together for lunch or coffee sometime to discuss it more?

2. I'd like to bring my collague by to introduce to you. Would you have some time next week?

1. Let me check and see if he would be comfortable with that.
2. He's really busy right now. Why don't we wait a while?

1. So, have you seen any good movies lately?

1. Hi, my name is ... Do you come to these events frequently?
2. What is your connection with the host [the sponsoring organization?]
3. What's your interest in today's topic. [theme]?

1. Hi, I don't know anybody here, so I'm just randomly introducing myself to people!

・「死ぬ」のような縁起の良くない表現を使うときは、pass away、pass on 、passなどの間接的な表現を使のが礼儀。

1. Her father passed away yesterday.
2. Her husband passed on last month.
3. His sister passed last year.

 She lost her battle with cancer.


1. I'm sorry to hear that. Had he been sick for a long time?



1. Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss.
2. I was so shocked and saddened to hear about his sudden passing.
3. My heart goes out to you in this difficult time.
4. He was a wonderful person, and was always very kind to me.
5. He will be much missed by all of us.
6. May he rest in peace.