


会話もメールも 英語は3語で伝わります

会話もメールも 英語は3語で伝わります

CHAPTER 5 <実践!「3語で伝えるために」ために、ここはバッサリ捨てましょう!> メモ



My work doesn't cause any stress.
My work cuases no stress.
My work is stress-free.
I have no stress from work.

This drink doesn't have any color.
This drink has no color.
This drink is colorless.

I don't have any data to prove their misconduct.
I have no datat to prove their misconduct.

I didn't pass the exam.
I failed the exam.

The manager did not accept my proposal.
The manager rejected my proposal.

I didn't understand his proposal correctly.
I understood his proposal incorrectly.
I failed to understand his proposal correctly.
I misunderstood his proposal.