Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ
Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ
第2章 自然な英語を目指して
・「通っている学校はどこですか?」を英語で何と言うか?× Which school do you attend?
× Which school do you go to?・ネイティブが使う自然な表現
○ Where do you go to school?
・「あなたの職業は何ですか?」とたずねる場合。× What's your occupation?
○ What do you do for a living?
○ What kind of work do you do?
リンスは英語ではない ー 単語レベルでの間違い
・「ゴールイン」という和製英語があるが、英語ではgoal in は使わない。例文1. She finally got married to her boyfriend this June.
2. She achieved her goal of getting married to her boyfriend.
3. She reached her goal of walking 15,000 steps each day for an entire month.
4. He achived his goal of studying at the Cordon Bleu cooking school.
・「同行、随行する」意味の「アテンド」も英語では以下のように言う。例文1. I am going to be assisting the ambassador during his visit.
2. She accompanied him to the theater yesterday evening.
3. Minors must be accompanied by a parent in order to enter.
getだけでいいのか? ー 洗練された単語を使いこなす
例文1. He is trying to earn[get] more money by doing part time jobs.
2. She won[get] a prize in the drawing.
3. He obtained[got] a rare item in the smartphone game.
4. She found[got] a handsome boyfriend.
plod (とぼとぼ歩く)
stride (闊歩する)
stroll (ぶらぶら歩く、散歩する)
strut (気取って歩く)
stump (重い足取りで歩く)
toddle (よちよち歩く)
traipse(疲れてとぼとぼ歩く)例文1. The married couple strolled through the neighborhood every day after dinner.
2. She strutted through the office wearing a new pair of high heels.
3. I traipsed around the city all day looking for the perfect pair of jeans.
giggle (クスクス笑う)
grin (にっこり笑う)
guffaw ばか笑いをする)
titter (忍び笑いをする)例文1. The baby giggled when his mother tickled him.
2. When I invited her to the party, she responded with a big grin.
3. His ribald joke was met with guffaws.
be stunned (あぜんとする)
be amazed (目を丸くする)
be flabbergasted(仰天する)
be taken aback (不意を突かれる)
be dumbfounded (開いた口がふさがらない)例文1. He was stunned when he heard the election results of the underdog winning by a landslide.
2. She was amazed by the beauty of the Northern Lights.
3. She was flabbergaseted when the doctor told her she was expecting triplets.
livid (激怒している)
ranting (わめき散らす)
raving (怒り狂った)
foaming at mouth(カンカンに怒る)例文1. The President was livid when he heard that the bookkeeper was defrauding the company.
2. In online chat rooms he was often ranting aobut various perceived injustices.
3. When the candidate mentioned his opponent's name, he was pracitically foaming at the mouth.
・英語の語彙が多いのは、いろいろな言語からできている雑種(mongrel, mutt)だから。
When are you available to work on this?[(時間・物が)空いている]
Is this seat available?
What time is the meeting room available?
This apartment is available for immediate occupancy.[都合がいい]
I can make myself available tomorro afternoon.
I'm afraid he is not available at this moment.
Engage your brain.(もっと考えてください)[雇う、手配する]
We engaged a consulting firm.
× I expect your hard work.(努力してよ!)例文1. I'm looking forward to your hard work.
2. Thank you in advance for your hard work.
a man of integirity (人格者、誠実で品行方正な人9
show a lack of integrity(道徳心のなさを示す)
brand integiry (ブランドの信頼性)例文1. His actions show that he is a man of integrity.
2. The test cheating scandal shows a lack of integrity among students.
3. The company's greatest strength is its brand integrity.
Things just didn't work out.[本当に、実に]
I just couldn't stand it anymore.[単に]
I just wanted to let you know.[ちょうど、きっかりに]
He just made it.
例6:make it
I can't make it to the party.
I should be able to make it on time.[切り抜ける、生き延びる]
The poor kid did not make it.[成功する]
We made it.[make it upで、償いをする、埋め合わせをする]
Let me make it up to you.
・日本語の「ナイーブ」の意味を示す英語は以下。You are innocent.
Let's work out our problems.
Let's work on it.[機能する、順調にいく]
I'd like to set our meeting for Tuesday. Will that work for you?
This is the solution that works for everyone.
Her plan seems to be working.
I was skeptical how well the red would look with the green, but it really works.[まとめ上げる]
Let's work that idea into the proposal.[慣用表現・決まり文句]
She really knows how to work a room.
The proposal is in the works.
・lifeは「人生」や「生活」のほかに「元気」という意味ももつ。例文1. He's got a lot of life in him.(彼はとても元気です)
2. He's the life of the party.(彼はパーティの盛り上げ役です)
My daughter attends elementary school.[群れ]
A school of fish swam by.
Things are going to change.
Things are going well.
How are things going?[the thingで「流行しているもの」]
Miniskierts are the thing this year.[the thing で「課題、問題、難しい点」]
The thing is, I have another appoiontment that day.
Look, here's the thing about English. What you need to realize is that workds have different meanings in different contexts.[one's thigで「好きなこと、得意なこと」]
Public speaking is not my thing.[すばらしいこと]
Some tea would be just the thing right now.[not...a thingで「なにもない」]
I can't think of a thing I would do differently.
It doesn't mean a thing.
I came here by train.[すそ]
Her wedding dress had a long train.[自動詞で「訓練する」「鍛える」]
I am training for a marathon.[他動詞で「訓練する」「鍛える」]
I am training my successor.[他動詞で「向ける」「照準を合わせる」]
He trained his sights on the tourists.
例13:doubt と suspect
I suspect that is true.(それは”本当だろう”と思います)I doubt that it is true.(それは”本当ではない”と思います)
例文1. I suspect you will be wanting me to handle this.
2. I suspect that she has many friends in Chicago.
3. I doubt that anyone has tried that.
4. I doubt she knows anyone in New York.
例14:foreign と alien
・foreign(違う、馴染みがない)、alien(合わない、反発する)例文1. It is a way of thinking foreign to me.
2. It is a way of thinking alien to me.
3. The concept of arranged marriage is foreign to people in the U.S.
4. The idea of getting a divorce is alien to devout Catholics.
例15:think, assume, presume の使い分け
・I think(思います)、I assumu(仮定します)、I presume(推理します)はすべて意味が異なる。例文1. I think it's time to go home.
2. I think you should get an MBA.
3. I assume you would like us to go home now.
4. I assume you are plannning to get an MBA.
5. The missing journalists are presumed dead.
6. In the U.S., courts presume that someone is innocent until he or she is proven guilty.
表現の内容 |以前 |現在
身体障害者 |handicapped |physically challenged|disabled |differently abled
失業者 |unemployed |between jobs, in transition
貧しい |poor |in reduced circumstances, at risk
解雇する |fire people |downsize, rightsize, restructure
視覚障害者 |blind |visually impaired
聴覚障害者 |deaf |hearing impaired
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------例文1. The school has many physically challenged students.
2. He is between jobs right now so he picks up the kids at school every afternoon.
3. The family found themselves in reduced circumstances after their father lost his job.
4. The company decided to rightsize after the business needs changed.
5. The software has a voice mode for the visually impaired.
●make up
1.作り出す、考え出す、うまくごまかして作る、作り話をする、話をで っち上げる、ねつ造する、細工する
例:She made up a story.2.[損失・不足の]埋め合わせをする、[遅れを]取り戻す、燃料を追加する、償う、補償する、精算する、穴埋めをする、足しにする
例:She is making up for lost time.3.追試験を受ける
例:He made up the exam.4.メーキャップする、化粧する、修復する、扮装する、仕立てる
例:She is making up her face ritht now.5.構成する、成り立っている、作成する、製版する、組成する、編集する、編成する
例:She is making up the folders right now.6.[ベッドを]整える、きちんと片付ける、順番に並べる、準備する、用意する
例:The maid made up the bed.7.取りまとめる、取り決める、製版する、調合する、舗装する
例:She made up a time frame for the porject.8.[ケンカの]仲直りをする、握手する、仲裁する、まるく納める
例:They made up after their fight.9.決心する、決着をつける
例:He is trying to make up his mind.
●make out
例:My grandmother is making out the check right now.2.見せかける、信じさせる、ふりをする、~を~のように言う、もっともらしく言う、うそぶく
例:He made me out to be a liar.3.理解する、分かる、判読する、認識する、~をようやく見分ける、聞き分ける
例:I can't make out what he's saying.4.うまくいく、うまくやる、成功する、うまくやっていく
例:He made out like a bandit in the stock market.5.[男女が]愛撫し合う、イチャイチャする、ネッキングする、ペッティングをする、性的関係をもつ、関係する、セックスする
例:They made out in the park.6.なんとか切り抜ける、やりくりする、暮らしていく、折り合っていく
例:How are you making out in your new job?
●work up
例:I'm working up to the next level.2.[計画・方法を]練り上げる、[計画を]立てる
例:I'm going to work up some plans.3.[興味・関心・感情・どん欲などを]煽り立てる、かき立てる
例:I really worked up an appetite while hiking.4.徐々に興奮させる、イライラさせる、心配させる
例:I got really worked up during the argument.
●work out
例:Things just don't work out for him at that company.2.[問題・謎・パズル・暗号が]解ける、きちんと答えが出る
例:I want to work out the answer to this puzzle.3.[ジムなどで]運動する、トレーニングする、汗を流す
例:I'm going to the gym to work out.4.苦労してやり遂げる、苦心して成就する、成し遂げる、成功する、成立させる、成り立つ、実現する、実施する、[最後の最後まで]ツトメアゲる
例:I'm sure that everything will work out just fine.5.算定される、算出する、はじき出す
例:The total worked out to 152.6.[痛みなどを]少しずつ取り除く
例:The message therapist worked out the kinks in his back.
・bon appetit(いただきます)
・bon voyage(良い旅を!)
・deja vu(既視感、デジャブ)
・hors doeuvre(前菜)
・joie de vivre(生きることの喜び)
・raison detre(存在する理由)
・savoir faire(社交的な場での機転の良さ)