


Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ 

 Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ

第1章 日本人英語の非常識

1. Please get well.
2. Please take off your shoes.
3. We cannot do it now.
4. I disagree with you.
5. I really don't want to have a misunderstanding.
6. You must do this by tomorrow.
7. You made a mistake.
8. Why did you come here?

please をつけると常に丁寧な言い方になるのか?
  I hope you feel beter soon.

  I would appreciate it if you would take off your shoes.
  Would you mind taking off your shoes?


× We cannnot do it now.
× I do not want to do it now.
例文1. I would rather not do it now, maybe later.
  2. I'm sorry but it is not possible given my schedule
  3. I'm afraid that we cannot accept your offer at this time.
  4. Unfortunately, it would be too difficult to make it happen.
  5. We don't think that it's feasible.
  6. It doesn't seem possible to do with our current resources.
  7. It requires more expertise than we possess.
  8. We need to take a pass on this one.
  9. That's a tall order, more than we can handle.
  10. "That's going to be a tough sell in my organization.
    I'm sorry, but I just don't think it's possible."


× I disagree with you.
例文1. I have a different opinion.
  2. I have a different view about this.
  3. I have a different point of view.
  4. I'm thinking of it in another way.
  5. "I'm not sure that's the best approach.
Let's discuss it some more."
  6. I have some concerns about that approach.
  7. I think we need to give it some further thought.
  8. I might have some trouble supporting that.


× I really don't want to have a misunderstanding.
例文1. The last thing I want to do is to have a misunderstanding.
  2. Let's be sure to avoid any musunderstandings.
  3. I wouldn't do that.
  4. I would do it differently.


・had betterやmsutは「絶対にしなければならない」という脅迫的な響きがあり、大人同士ではほとんど使わない。
must > have to > had better > should > need to
・他人に対しては need to が適切。
例文1. You need to do this by tomorrow.
  2. I should hurry.
  3. I have to do my homework tonight.


× I need more coffee.
例文1. I would like some more coffee, please.
  2. May I have a refill?
  3. When you have a chance, I'd like some more coffee.
  4. Could you freshen up my cup?

例文1. I wouldn't mind a little more coffee.
  2. Do you have any more coffee?
  3. I would like a cafe latte and this cake.


  × You made a mistake.

例文1. You are doing a terrible job.
   I am concerned about the quality of you work.
  2. You are annoying me.
   I am feeling annoyed.
  3. You made a mistake.
   I found a mistake.
   I found what seems to be a mistake.
  4. You'ren not telling me waht's going on.
   I feel left out.
  5. You're ignoring me.
   I feel ignored.
  6. You are always late.
   I feel stressed when you are late.
  7. You don't help me enough.
   I feel like I need more support from you.
  8. You are too loud.
  It makes me uncomfortable when you speak loudly.



例文1. Why do you say that?
   What makes you say that?
  2. Why did you come here?
   What brought you here?
  3. Why did it happen?
   How did it happen?


× Please make a copy of this.
× Please be quiet!
例文1. Could you possibly plan to get here before 3pm?
   2. Whould you be able to stop by our office when you are in Tokyo next?
   3. Could I trouble you to take this to the psot office for me?
   4. Would it be possible to meet you while we are in New York?


例文1. It's our policy that all guests must rmove their shoes when entering the tmeple.
  2. It's our house rule we ask everyoneto take off their shoes.
  3. Wearing shoes is not allowed in the temple.
  4. Removing your shoes is ruquired when entering the temple.
  5. Everyone leaves their shoes here when they enter the temple.

Would [Do] you mind if ...? を使って許可をもらう
・ネイティブは「May I ...?」はあまり使わない。

例文1. Would it be alright if I took a bottle of Coke?
  2. I would like to take a bottle of Coke. Would that be alright?
  3. Would you mind if I took a bottle of Coke?
  4. Would it be any problem if I took a bottle of Coke?
  5. Do you mind if I take a bottle of Coke?

・would を使う場合、仮定法過去の用法なので、if以下が過去形になる。
・do の場合は現在形になる。
・Mind if ...?を使う場合、「どうぞ」と言いたいときは否定形で答える。
  Not at all.
  No, go ahead.

○ Mind if I smoke here?
× It's no problem for me to smoke here, is it?

・Mind if I smoke here?と聞かれ、タバコを吸ってほしくないとき
例文6. I would appriciate it if you didn't.
  7. Actually, I do mind. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.
  8. Actually, smokin is not allowed in this building.

例文1. Is there any possibility that we could switch our meeting to Tuesday?
  2. Is there any way that I could have tomatoes instead of cheese?
  3. Would it be possible to have tomatoes instead of cheese?
  4. Would you be able to give me tomatoes instead of cheese?


 バン      :それを挟むソフトな表現
 ケチャップや野菜:I'm afraid that ...,
          I'm sorry to have to thell you

 「That would be rather difficult.」では明確に断ったことにならない。
 「We can't do it.」ではストレートすぎて失礼。

例文1. Thank you for giving us this interesting proposal.
  2. We appriciate your proposal.
  3. Thank you for sharing this proposal with us.

例文1. It's too bad, but ...
  2. It's shame, but ...
  3. Unfortunately, ...
  4. I wish I din't have to tell you this, but ...
  5. I'm afraid that ...
  6. I'm sorry to have to tell you, ...

例文1. We are going to have to miss this opportunity.
  2. This isn't something that we are able to do.
  3. We aren't going to be able to pursue this.

例文1. ... because we don't have enough budget.
  2. ... because it doesn't fit in with our strategy.
  3. ... because we are focused on other priorities.

例文1. We look forward to getting other proposals from you in the future.
  2. Even though things didn't work out this time, please let us know if you have any other interesting proposals.
  3. We look forward to continuing our good relationship with your firm.
  4. Thank you for giving us this interesting proposal. Unfortunatley, we are going to have to miss this opportunity because it doesn't fit in with our strategy. We look forward to continuing our good relationship with your firm.


 × I disagree with you.
 × I can't agree.
 × That won't work.

例文1. I anticipate some difficulties implementing that approach in our organization.
  2. I'm not sure that I can convince my colleagues to get behind this.
  3. This might be a tough sell to Japanese coustomers.
  4. I anticipate some push-back if I suggest this in my company.

・これ以上議論しても仕方がないとき、「Let's agree to disagree.」と前置きして、次にように言う。
例文6. Let's table this topic for the time being.
  7. Let's revisit this topic another time.
  8. I'd like to come back to this topic later and discuss it more the.
  9. I don't think we can reach agreement on this right now. So let's set a time to talk about it again later.
  10. It's clear that we have different ideas about this. Let's both think about it more and meet again to explore it further.

・ストレートに「I agree with you.」でも失礼にあたらないが、以下とすると品格が上がる。

例文1. I can't agree with you more.
  2. I definitely agree with you.
  3. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
  4. I'm in 100% agreement.
  5. I agree with you completely.
  6. My thoughts exactly.
  7. We are on the same page.
  8. I share your opinion.
  9. I second that.


例文1. What do you think about this?
  2. What is your take on this?
  3. I'd like to hear your opinion about this.
  4. Please share your thoughts on this.
  5. Your input on this would be much appreciated.
  6. I welcome your commnets about this.
  7. I invite your comments about this.

・日本  :相手が自分より上か下かで適切な敬語が変わる。