


Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ 

 Rochelle Kopp, Ohono Kazumoto「英語の品格」メモ

第3章 品のある英語に仕上げるためのスパイス

spell it (all) outの重要性
・1から10まで説明することを英語で spell it (all) out(詳細に説明する)と言う。


Thanks for your hard work preparing this plan. Overall it looks very good. There is one portion, however, that I have concerns about and would like you revise.

 1. 問題の行動は何だったかについて説明する。
 2. 理由を説明する。何が悪いかについて説明する。
 3. 何をしてほしいのかについて説明する。

 1.I just talked to kathy Smith at Acme Corp. She is very upset about the order she just received. It's missing two parts.

 2.When this kind of thing happens, it damages our customer relationships and we could even lose a customer.

 3.First of all, please send the missing parts to her immediately. Second, I want a detailed report from you explaining why this happend and how we can prevent similar problems in the future.


I bit off more than I could chew.

I got really over-extended.

I'm afraid that I was over-optimistic.

There were a lot of unanticipated things that came up.

I misjudged the situation.

Nobody could have prediected some of the things that happened

I did my best, but unrotunatley this time that wasn't enough.

This was a particularly challengin assignment.

I feel very badly about this. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

a. 飲み物を注文するとき
 × Coffe, please!
 ○ May I have a cup of coffee?

b ホテルでチェックアウトするとき
 × Check out, please.
 ○ I'd like to check out.
   I'm ready to check out.
   I'm checking out from room 27.

c タクシーを呼ぶとき
 × Taxi, please.
 ○ Please call a cab for me.
   Please call me a cab.
   I need a cab. Would you please call one?

 ○ Please hail me a cab.
   I'm going to Lincoln Center. I need a cab.

d 試着したいとき
 × Can I try?
 ○ I'd like to try this on.
   May I try this on?
   Could you show me to the dressing [fitting] room?

e プレセントを包んでほしいとき
 × Wrapping, please.
 ○ Do you have gift wrapping available?
   Are you able to do gift wrapping?
   Would you be able to gift-wrap this?
   I'd like to have this gift-wrapped.
   What kind of gift wrapping do you offer?
   This is going to be a gift. Would it be possible to wrap it?

 × Show me a gift for my mother.
 ○ Would you be able to help me choose a gift for my mother?
   I'd like your advise on a gift for my mother.
   Could you recommend something as a givt for my mother?
   Could you recommend a nice gift for my mother?
   I'm looking for something for my mother.

f プレゼントを渡すとき
 × Please accept this.
 ○ This is just a small token of my appreciation.
   I thought you would like something like this.

 × This is not a good present.
 ○ I thought blue would be a nice color for you.
   I hope that you can put this to good use.
   Please use this in good health.
   I hope you'll like this.
   I hope this will brighten your day.
   This is just a litte something I picked up for you in my hometown.
   I got this for you when I was on vacation.
   This is just a small souvenir from Tokyo.
   I was in Hokkaido last week and bought this there.

What if ... ? を使いこなす
・What if...?(代わりに・・・したらどうですか?)という英語を使うと、やわらかい表現になる。

 × Why can't you make fewer mistakes?
 ○ What if we adopted a new checking prodedure?

 × Why can't you get to work on time?
 ○ What if we talked abotu what's causing you to be late?

 × Why can't you write a better report?
 ○ What if we sent you to a class where you couod learn some report-writhing tips?

・What if ...?を使った表現は、提案する際にも使える。
 You might want to try beige for this room.
 I suggest you try beige for this room.

 Beige would really look good in this room.
 Have you considered using beige in this room?
 I saw a similar room painted beige and it looked great.


 If I were you ...
 If I were in your shoes, ...
 If I were in your place, ...
 If it were me, I would ...

 If I were going to write a book, I would write a novel.

 When I write a book, it's going to be a novel.

 If only you would marry me!

 If only that hadn't happened.

 He could have done a better job.
 I could have done better myself.
 I couldn't be happier.(最高にうれしいです)
 I would if I could.
 I wish that I could.
 That kind of noise could drive a person crazy.
 I could have been a star
 I wouldn't want to try that

 × I hate it when you do that.
 ○ I do not feel very comfortable when you do that.

 × That drawing is bad.
 ○ That drawing needs improvement.

 × The result was no good.
 ○ There were issues with the result.


 ○Some people might say that your strategy is not effective.
  Some people might think that ...
SOme people might draw the conclusion that ...

 ×That is unfair.
 ○That could give the appearance of unfairness.


 ×Do you have time to help me with this project?
 ○I was wondering if you might have time to help me with this project.


 ×This is a problem.
 ○There seems to be problem.
  There might be a problem.

 ×There's a problem with the battery.
 ○It looks like there's a problem with the battery.
  It sounds like there's something wrong with ...
  I suspect that there's ...
  My guess is that there's ...
  It's possible that there's ...

1. little white lie
2. bending the truth
3. political correctness
4. toeing the party line
5. being diplomatic
6. stretching the truth
7. being vague on purpose
8. feflexive optimism

1. little white lie(善意からくる小さな嘘)
2. bending the truth(事実を歪める)
3. political correctness(差別的意見をもっていても、それを口にしない。社会で「正しい」と思われている言葉を使う)
4.toeing the party line(自分の考えと違っていても、自分が属している組織のコンセンサスや綱領に沿った発言をする)
5. being diplomatic(外交官のように、否定的な情報を控えめに言う、角を立てずにうまく話す)
6. stretching the truth(事実を誇張する)
7. being vague on purpose(わざと曖昧に言う)
8. reflexive optimism(反射的な楽観主義)